The year is 199X-G. The Au-2 Self-Driving Car is the primary method of transportation in the western world.

Invented only 3 years ago, the Gestrat Corporation made aggressive moves to push their machine as a mandated piece of equipment in all major cities across the country. Lobbying that human control was too unreliable, they rolled out their automated driving systems to a 100% success rate. Soon, it was seen as reckless act to drive a car.

The automation resistance group, Avict, quickly struck out on a mission to take Gestrat down. They waged a cyber-war on the Au-2 system, seeding the development team with supporters, implementing backdoors. But Avict had acted too boldly and soon, a new faction entered the ring.

axleIce, a hacker group, soon developed their own software to take advantage of the backdoor vulnerabilities. However, they had no moral goal. Their goal was to take control of Au-2 units for the purpose of entertainment, an activity known as Joyrigging.


Joyrigging is simple: Take remote control of an Au-2 vehicle and participate in races. An underground scene evolved, including betting using cyrptocurrency mined while driving. This currency was used to purchase access to more advanced vehicles and other advantages. The more money, vehicles, and wins, the more revered the hacker.

With tensions on the rise behind closed doors at Gestrat, the future is unknown. Will Gestrat take down Avict and shut down all Joyrigging? Will Avict succeed in exposing the secrets at Gestrat? Do the hackers at play have any reason to take sides as long as they have their fun?

Find out in the upcoming game,
